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When We Retreat

Writer's picture: Chulu ChansaChulu Chansa

Dear Africana Woman,

Hello Beautiful. I love saying that because I want you to remember how beautiful you are inside and out. You may already know that end of July 2022 we are having our first Africana Woman Visionaries Retreat. It will be held on the shores of Lake Kariba at an exclusive property called, The Castle, in Siavonga, Zambia. Absolutely Gorgeous. It has come to my attention some people are a little confused about the purpose of the Retreat so I am here to clear that up. The jist of the story is that, in as much as we are going to have fun filler activities; boat cruise, Kariba dam tour, picnic on a beach, paint & sip … sight-seeing is not the point of the Retreat. It is not a vacation. This is a chance for you to be introduced to yourself. Let me explain.

In 2019, I was going through one of the worst moments of my life. I had anxiety. I was depressed and fatigued. It felt like I was a robot waking up to do the exact same thing every day and the worst part is what I was doing wasn't even helping anyone. It made me feel deeply sad.

Fast forward to 2022, here I am working from home, in a beautiful office that looks out onto a spectacular garden. I can see my puppy zipping across the lawn. Babes I have never owned a pet before in my life. Every morning I walk through my vegetable garden and pick fruits from the orchard. I paint, I write, I am tapping into my creativity. And I am so happy, so grateful and at peace.

I have this lifestyle because I imagined it was possible back in 2019 when I joined a self-development program in a community of like-minded women run by Patrice Washington, check her out she is amazing. When I say those women saved my life it is an understatement. They pushed me to do things like write the blog, start the podcast, and speak internationally. To this day they cheer me on. They pulled out the greatness in me, because they could see it in me when i couldn't. I am here because I radically changed the way I think, changed what I believe and changed what I do.

Not everyone is able to do a program like I did. But when I started Africana Woman I made a promise to myself that whatever I put out into this world has to be transformational and life changing. And Community is a key anchor of Africana Woman because I know its power, as I have lived it. I have seen how it's changed my life. I want that for you too.

The Retreat is not about site seeing. It is you making a conscious decision to radically change your life. This is you pushing past your fear and believing that you can live a Gorgeous & Abundant lifestyle with all the things that you desire. This is you believing that you are Worthy. period. And the best part is you get to claim your power in the midst of a powerful sisterhood. I am going to teach you the KNOW your Roots, Grow Your Purpose principle that radically changed my life. All this requires you to look within yourself.

Take note that the best way to do introspection is by removing yourself from your normal day to day routine and essentially making space to think, feel and go through whatever process you need to go through to evolve. I don’t want to sugar coat it. Self-development is not easy. You are pushed out of your comfort zone. You are called to face things that you have been avoiding about yourself for years. However, at the Retreat you are in a safe and supportive space.

Basically, if you want a vacation with some sight-seeing this is probably not for you. But if you want to change the trajectory of your life, you are in the right place.

If you find yourself worrying about money, I want you to ask yourself:

How much am I worth?

If you can answer that question, it will be very easy for you to make the decision to invest in yourself. You spend a lifetime investing in others. This can be education for your children, school fees for your relatives, upkeep of your elderly parents, building a family house etc. But when have you invested in just you? in your mind, in your well-being, in your growth? When you as a leader are able to be better, everyone around you benefits.

The Deadline to book a spot at the Africana Woman Visionaries Retreat: The Castle, Siavonga is Tuesday 31st May, 2022. You can make a commitment to yourself here. The window to book closes after Tuesday.

If you have specific questions you can contact either myself +260978470395 or Chiko +260972544212. These are also whatsapp lines.

We are excited to be a witness to your transformation and hold you accountable to the decision you make. If you are ready, you know what to do:

I gotta run. Africana Woman is a blog, podcast and community. Make sure you use all the resources. We just had an AWV Book Club Review of Hlomu: The Wife by Dudu Busani-Dube. That conversation was epic. I wish you could experience these women. Like it was real talk. Sis if you are new here. Welcome your Majesty. Do the needful by clicking the subscribe button so as you get this love letter directly. If this is not your first time here, I have so much Love for you Queen. Thank you for your continued support. You can also catch me on Instagram @ChulubyDesign. I love to hear from you. Remember, my desire for you is that you love yourself flaws n all, and attract the life that you truly desire. Day 12 done. #30DaysWriting

Kind regards,




AfricanaWoman (at) gmail (dot) com

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