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We Are Kings Now

Writer's picture: Chulu ChansaChulu Chansa

Updated: May 16, 2021

Dear Africana Woman,

Gurl I missed you. It feels like a while since we last spoke. But here’s the thing I was like I wrote to you twice in three days like I’m not out here trying to give you a big head because I am showering you with so much love. Lol. So? What have you been up to? What are your wins? Who did you meet? Was he cute? I hope you haven’t forgotten that I am still on the market. Still taking references. I’m just saying…..

So today my son said to me, “We are Kings now.” He was talking about the size of ice cream we order from a franchise with a lion. But let me back it up first. So one Santana, has a business. He makes baked goods. After honing his skills in cupcakes, this holiday he has began expanding his repertoire to cookies and scones. His business is called KM Jr. This is a play on my former Wedding cake business KM by Design. So he is 13 years now and he has had this business for about a year and a half. He legit has to get his own clients and do the work. He does get subsidized heavily when it comes to ingredients but he buys whatever has to be topped up. So de young man has been making money this holiday. He had some orders come in and he legit has his own sheets.

So of course, what does he spend his money on? Ice cream. Now you see when mummy buys ice cream on the rare occasion we are getting the plain regular degular cone, coz my mind cannot compute spending K2 more. Anyway, turns out we have a biggie spenda, because every time we hit a mall with a certain lion, my friend here is like, “oh I’ll be right back. I just want to spoil you.” If you know me, you know I do not deny gift. I am just a recipient, a meagre beneficiary of other people’s generosity. No lies this holiday we have eaten a lot of ice cream.

But even better they have a cone called King size. So you see my Blesser has decided we are not regular people anymore. We are now Kings. I said oh what were we before? Ati a prince and a princess. I said oho. So me, I always go sit and wait in the car because I am not about being caught in situations of, “Oh I forgot my wallet. Can you pay and I will give you later.” Wooo ah ah my money is very accounted for. Each penny has been assigned a job.

So today he gets to the car with two cones in hand. I open the door to receive my blessing. But he says, ‘Look what has happened to us?” I look at the cones and they look white and cold. I was confused therefore I enquired, “What has happened?”. He said, ‘This is not King Size. I paid for King Size and this is not it. I feel really cheated.” In my mind I’m thinking that’s what happens when you are using your own money that you worked hard for. It HURTS when you get chingad. Anyway, so I said okay. He said, ‘Can you come back with me (to the shop). I still have my receipt.” You see he called his mama, coz he knows his mama is a gangsta. I’m just playing what I meant to say is his mama is not silenced in the face of injustice and mediocrity.

So we rolled up in there and I told em. We get King Size all the time. This is not King size. The one who served him was shocked that we called her out. Her supervisor was standing nearby. The supervisor did not argue with us, she took the regular cones and proceeded to serve us the 5 swirls of King size ice cream with an apology at the end.

So here is my question to you:

Do you KNOW your worth? And And How willing are you to defend your Worth?

This child had just declared He was a KING now and he could not fathom the thought of his worth being dragged down. He knew without a shadow of a doubt what his value was and what it felt like. Those regular cones did not feel right so in that moment he had a choice; be demoted or make a stand for his throne. He decided that he could not settle for less. When we walked out of there he said, “They tried to mess with the Kings,”

YOH! That messed me up right there. Listen God made you Royalty, you are a King and Queen. He gave you authority and he gave you a price tag labelled priceless because you are unique. Nothing will ever be the same as you. You cannot be replicated. Do you understand that? Like can you comprehend your value?

Baby if you did, you would not compromise and devalue yourself. You would not let him talk to you that way. You would not let them take advantage of your kindness. You would not let him beat you up. You would not let them take what is yours without asking. You would not let them pile work on you like you are a donkey.

If you really knew what being Royalty looked like and you knew what it felt like, you would not go back. You would not settle for less. I’m just saying. If nothing else, I hope this 13 year old boy has taught you that when you have a standard, it will not always be respected, so it’s up to you to flex your authority and remind the world how they should treat the Queen that you are.

Gurl have a blessed week. You guys can always find me on socials at Chulu by Design. If you are new here, this is what you need to know. First of all welcome Sis. So good to have you join the family. Africana Woman is not just a blog. We are a movement of women taking back control of our wealth and well-being in spite of cultural barriers. We share wealth building tools via the Africana Woman with Chulu podcast and the Africana Woman Visionaries community. Do check out our other resources, I am sure you will like it here. To you my live hard reader, thank you darling. I appreciate you. If you can, please subscribe and share this with a friend. We need more African women to know there is a place they can call home on this vast world wide web. In fact, we are having a virtual party tomorrow. Omg You should definitely come. You will meet women from across the world. We laugh, we chat, there may be a few glasses involved. Like its all round good vibez. You can join in by clicking here. Okay I gotta run. Love you gurl. Remember, I want you to love yourself flaws n all and attract the life that you truly desire.





AfricanaWoman (at) gmail (dot) com

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