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Writer's pictureMakheni Zonneveld

The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever

Updated: Feb 1, 2024

By Makheni Zonneveld

Hi! Welcome to the Coolest Granny’s monthly wellness quick tips. ‘Quick tip’ does not mean ‘quick fix’. It means simple actions that lead to great results. The emphasis is on ACTION.

The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever

Makheni Zonneveld

AKA the Coolest Granny in town

Do you still remember the promises you made to yourself at the end of December? Have you already fallen off the wagon? Hakuna matata. Tiiidah tiiidah tiiidah, Coolest Granny to the rescue. The purpose of this series is to help you get back on the wagon and keep going. Just hit the restart button and keep this in mind:

1. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes.

2. Did you know that we meet goals daily? Are we meeting our personal goals or some salesperson’s goals, otherwise known as sales targets? 

3. While SMART goals hold significance, they serve as a tool for the 'HOW?' aspect of goal setting. The crucial starting point should be the 'WHY?' behind the goal.

All goals are important, but let’s prioritise achieving optimal mental and physical health. When you're not in good health, you may lack the energy to engage in activities you love

The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever

When it comes to wellness goals, the WHY should be gaining health, as opposed to losing weight. When the goal is losing weight, we usually lose health in the process because of all the fad diets and slimming aids that destroy our health, empty our pockets and lead to a never-ending yo-yo cycle. Fad diets yield immediate results on the scale because they cause a little bit of fat loss, a lot of water and muscle loss. Muscle weighs more than fat and so, the overall weight loss looks impressive on the scale. When you stop following the diet you gain more fat than before but do not get the lost muscle back. I know, I was on a yo-yo cycle for almost 4 decades.

A better objective is health gain. If you come across a healthy person who lies awake at night thinking, ‘How can I be healthier and prevent disease?’, please inform the Guinness Book of Records because the world has never heard of such a person. Although we have all heard that prevention is better than cure, we only think of health after losing it. The good news is that when you gain health by eating right and engaging in regular exercise, you feel good, sleep better, have energy and the kilos begin to take care of themselves. If you are young and fit, start now. If you already have health issues, better late than never.

Since I found the secret to permanent fat loss, people ask how many kilos I have lost because my fat loss is visible. They get surprised when I respond that I do not know because it’s not about the kilos. All I know is that I feel great and all my clothes fit me well. I hope I have inspired you to start a wellness journey that will help you to make this your best year ever. 

In an attempt to help on your wellness journey, I answer your wellness questions and offer the following: These monthly quick tips, wellness talks, wellness coaching (virtually) and also FHC free resources such as a QuickStart Programme. The QuickStart Programme is a free excerpt of the wellness book, Healthier and Slimmer. It will be available on from the 6th of March 2024.

Makheni Zonneveld AKA The Coolest Granny in Town, is an energetic 1953 vintage model. She is a speaker, wellness coach, storyteller and author. Connect with her;


The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever

Free resources

The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever


New wellness book:

On from 06/03/2024

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Edited by Bwalya M Mphuka

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This week in the SUCCESS Tribe:

Habits Masterclass - habits are automatic repeated actions which you do without your brain having to think too much about. Along the way we pick up bad habits that begin to hinder our lives and the goals we set. In this module learn how to break bad habits and create good habits that stick.

Coach: Lakita Chikandi


The Coolest Granny’s Quick Tips: Make This Your Best Year Ever

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